MPM Online Tool is a web tool for assessing regional scale mineral prospectivity in northern Finland with geospatial datasets in geographic information systems (GIS). The primary aim of the MPM online too is to support strategic planning of companies conducting mineral exploration in northern Finland. Appropriate modelling with the MPM online tool may indicate for the most prospective areas making land claims for further advanced exploration. In addition, we encourage teaching staff in universities to use the MPM Online Tool for teaching of prospectivity modelling.


The available input data for mineral prospectivity modelling are open source spatial geological, geophysical and geochemical data provided by the GTK. The MPM online tool can be operated with any modern web browser (Chrome, IE, Firefox) without installing any additional software onto the user's own computer. The MPM online input data and modelling tools are stored and outputs are run on the GTK server. Users cannot add their own data into the models and store the geoprocessing models or outputs onto their own computer neither. The MPM online tool uses ArcGIS for Server as a geoprocessing server. ESRI Javascript API (Application Programming Interface) is used to send data to the geoprocessing tools. Geoprocessing tools are made by using ArcGIS Spatial analyst functions (Fuzzy Overlay, Fuzzy Membership). mapping framework is used to display various widgets and map in the browser ( MxGraph diagramming library is used to create Model Builder canvas for user drawn models (


The MPM online tool is produced by Mineral Prospectivity Modeler project, which is solely carried out by GTK and funded by the Business Finland (formerly Tekes) - European Union Regional Development Fund program "Business from digitalization" and internationally by exploration industry. Business Finland funded 90% and companies 10% of the total of 508,000 euro budget for years 2016 ̶ 2018. The project website can be viewed at