Data Uploading
Users can send their own data to be added to the UpDeep databases. Data will be checked by the GTK's experts. After the data is checked and imported to the UpDeep Online Statistics database then the data is viewable in the UpDeep Online Statistics Tool. Data will be send by email to the following address:
. Because of security restrictions with sending and receiving of emails, GTK recommends that Excel files are send in compressed zip-file format. The data will be added to the database in the two weeks of time. In case of any missing data or questions, the GTK personel will be in contact with the data provider.
At the moment Soil samples data and Plant samples data can be imported to the databases. GTK strongly recommends to use these Excel sheet (Figure 1) below, there are separate sheets for both sample types. For now we have to use separate database tables for Soils and Plants data.
Figure 1 Excel Sheet for data import
There are some points to be taken care when filling these Excel sheets
- cells can be nulls
- unique identifier will be created by GTK for each data row
- WGS84 will be used as a coordinate system
- every analysis data column should use PPM as an unit for element concentrations
- Excel sheets are sended to this email address
Attributes of the data
Excel sheet for Plant data:
Download sheet for Plant data
In the sheet there is information for each element like assay order number, analytical method, unit, lower detection limit (LDL) and upper detection limit (UDL).
Data related to the elements, element detection limits and concentrations
- Assay_order_number (laboratory order id)
- Element (symbol of the element)
- Prep_Method (preparation method)
- Analytical_method (laboratory method, see some codes in the laboratory_codes_plant sheet)
- Unit (PPM)
- Lower Detection level
- Upper Detection level
Data related to the colleted samples like location, plant and information about geology in the area of collected samples. At this moment only Routine samples are used in the application.
- Customer_sampleid (an unique identifier for the sample)
- ORGANISATION (Name of the company holding the exploration permit for the sampling site at the time of sampling)
- SAMPLING_ORGANISATION (Name of the company fully/partially responsible of the sampling)
- X_WGS84 (X coordinate in the WGS84 coordinate system with decimals)
- Y_WGS84 (Y coordinate in the WGS84 coordinate system with decimals)
- SAMPLING_YEAR (Year when sampling was conducted)
- SAMPLING_DATE (Date when sampling was conducted)
- OBSERVATION_POINT_NUMBER (Identifying mark of a sampling location)
- SAMPLE_TYPE_CODE (RS (=routine sample)
- LAB_ANALYTICAL_DUPLICATE (Customer_sampleid of the laboratory duplicate pair)
- LAB_LABORATORY_DUPLICATE (Customer_sampleid of the laboratory inserted laboratory dublicate pair)
- FIELD_DUPLICATE (Customer_sampleid of the field dublicate pair)
- PROJECT_REFERENCE_MATERIAL_NAME (Name of the project referense sample used to monitor laboratory quality (PRM))
- STANDARD_REFERENCE_MATERIAL_NAME (Name of the standard referense sample used to monitor laboratory quality (SRM))
- ANALYSIS_DATE (Date when laboratory analysis order was sent to laboratory)
- LABORATORY_CODE (same as Analytical_method above)
- ANALYSIS_METHOD_DESCRIPTION (Explanation of the laboratory method codes. See laboratory_codes_plant sheet)
- LABORATORY (name of the laboratory)
- SITE (Name of the sampling site)
- MUNICIPALITY (Name of the administrational region where the study site is located)
- COUNTRY (Name of the country where the study site is located)
- COMMODITY_ELEMENTS (List of the primary commodity elements of a deposit/occurrence explaining of the underlying mineralization)
- MINERALIZATION (Location of the sampling point in relation to a known mineralization verified by drilling (0 = no known sampling location lying under the sampling location, 1 = a mineralization verified by drilling under the sampling location, depth indicated in DEPOSIT_DEPTH))
- SIZE_MINERALIZATION (very large deposit, large deposit, madium size deposit, small deposit, occurance or NA according to the most importantly ranked commodity, Inspire data specification)
- GEOL_DEPOSIT_TYPE (Geological deposit type used only if underlying mineralization is verified by drilling)
- DEPOSIT_DEPTH (Minimum and maximum depth of a drilled/modelled mineralization from the ground surface in meters (e.g. 100-200))
- PLANT_PRE_ASHED_WEIGHT_GRAM (Plant sample weight (g) before ashing)
- PLANT_PRE_ASHED_WEIGHT_MDL (Minimum detection limit for plant material weighting (g) before ashing)
- PLANT_ASHED_WEIGHT_GRAM (Weight of an ashed plant sample (g), after ashing)
- PLANT_ASHED_WEIGHT_MDL (Minimum detection limit for plant material weighting (g))
- PLANT_SPECIES_EN (Plant species in english like 'Billberry', 'Bog billberry', 'Common juniper', 'Crowberry', 'Downy birch', 'Feather moss', 'Goat willow', 'Labrador tea', 'Lingonberry', 'Norway spruce', 'Scots pine')
- PLANT_SPECIES_LAT (Plant species in latin)
- PLANT_ORGAN_EN (Plant organ type in english like 'entire plant', 'twig/stem', 'leaf/needle', 'bark', 'wood/tree ring', 'root', 'resin', 'sap', 'gas', 'transpired fluid')
Excel sheet for Soil data:
Download sheet for Soil data
In the sheet there is information for each element like assay order number, analytical method, unit, lower detection limit (LDL) and upper detection limit (UDL).
Data related to the elements, element detection limits and concentrations
- Assay_order_number (laboratory order id)
- Element (symbol of the element)
- Prep_Method (preparation method)
- Analytical_method (laboratory method, see some codes in the laboratory_codes_soil sheet)
- Unit (PPM)
- Lower Detection level
- Upper Detection level
Data related to the colleted samples like location, soil and information about geology in the area of collected samples. At this moment only Routine samples are used in the application.
- Customer_sampleid (an unique identifier for the sample)
- ORGANISATION (Name of the company holding the exploration permit for the sampling site at the time of sampling)
- SAMPLING_ORGANISATION (Name of the company fully/partially responsible of the sampling)
- X_WGS84 (X coordinate in the WGS84 coordinate system with decimals)
- Y_WGS84 (Y coordinate in the WGS84 coordinate system with decimals)
- SAMPLING_YEAR (Year when sampling was conducted)
- SAMPLING_DATE (Date when sampling was conducted)
- OBSERVATION_POINT_NUMBER (Identifying mark of a sampling location)
- SAMPLE_TYPE_CODE (RS (=routine sample)
- LAB_ANALYTICAL_DUPLICATE (Customer_sampleid of the laboratory duplicate pair)
- LAB_LABORATORY_DUPLICATE (Customer_sampleid of the laboratory inserted laboratory dublicate pair)
- FIELD_DUPLICATE (Customer_sampleid of the field dublicate pair)
- PROJECT_REFERENCE_MATERIAL_NAME (Name of the project referense sample used to monitor laboratory quality (PRM))
- STANDARD_REFERENCE_MATERIAL_NAME (Name of the standard referense sample used to monitor laboratory quality (SRM))
- ANALYSIS_DATE (Date when laboratory analysis order was sent to laboratory)
- LABORATORY_CODE (same as Analytical_method above)
- ANALYSIS_METHOD_DESCRIPTION (Explanation of the laboratory method codes. See laboratory_codes_soil sheet)
- LABORATORY (name of the laboratory)
- SITE (Name of the sampling site)
- MUNICIPALITY (Name of the administrational region where the study site is located)
- COUNTRY (Name of the country where the study site is located)
- COMMODITY_ELEMENTS (List of the primary commodity elements of a deposit/occurrence explaining of the underlying mineralization)
- MINERALIZATION (Location of the sampling point in relation to a known mineralization verified by drilling (0 = no known sampling location lying under the sampling location, 1 = a mineralization verified by drilling under the sampling location, depth indicated in DEPOSIT_DEPTH))
- SIZE_MINERALIZATION (very large deposit, large deposit, madium size deposit, small deposit, occurance or NA according to the most importantly ranked commodity, Inspire data specification)
- GEOL_DEPOSIT_TYPE (Geological deposit type used only if underlying mineralization is verified by drilling)
- DEPOSIT_DEPTH (Minimum and maximum depth of a drilled/modelled mineralization from the ground surface in meters (e.g. 100-200))
- SOIL_START_DEPTH_METER (Sampling start distance from soil surface downwards in meters)
- SOIL_END_DEPTH_METER (Sampling end distance from soil surface downwards in meters)
- SOIL_SEDIMENT_TYPE_EN (Soil sediment type in english like (Till, Humus))
- SOIL_HORIZON (Sampled soil horizon (A, B, BC, C, Humus))
- SOIL_HORIZON_PLANNED (Planned soil horizon (A, AB, Ah, B, C) for sampling)
- SOIL_PH_WATER (pH value measured from soil-water (1:2) mixture)
- SOIL_PH_VINEGAR (pH value measured from soil-water mixture after 20 sec of adding a drop of vinegar)
- SOIL_SIEVED_GRAIN_SIZE_MESH (Sieve size (in mesh) used to sieve the soil sample)
- SOIL_SIEVED_GRAIN_SIZE_MM (Sieve size (in mm) used to sieve the soil sample)
- SOIL_DRYING_TEMPERATURE (Temperature (in Celcius degrees) used to dry the soil sample in an oven)
- SOIL_DRYING_TIME (Soil sample drying time (minutes) used to dry the soil sample in an oven)