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Legend (LaosOneGeology)

Laos 1:1M Bedrock Lithology (0)
Mz1 Red clyed arenite, coal, conglomerate, limestone Mz1 Red clyed arenite, coal, conglomerate, limestone
Mz2 Red clyed arenite, coal, conglomerate, limestone Mz2 Red clyed arenite, coal, conglomerate, limestone
N2Q Gravel, sand, clay, silt and clay N2Q Gravel, sand, clay, silt and clay
PR Granitoid gneiss, mica gneiss, arenite and marble PR Granitoid gneiss, mica gneiss, arenite and marble
Pz1 Mudrock, sandstone, wacke, volcanic rocks Pz1 Mudrock, sandstone, wacke, volcanic rocks
Pz2 Mudrock, sandstone, limestone, volcanic rocks Pz2 Mudrock, sandstone, limestone, volcanic rocks
Pz3 Sandstone, shale, limestone, volcanic rocks Pz3 Sandstone, shale, limestone, volcanic rocks
cPz2 Muddy limestone cPz2 Muddy limestone
cPz3 Sandstone, siltstone and shale cPz3 Sandstone, siltstone and shale
gMz Biotite-granite, tonalite and granodiorite gMz Biotite-granite, tonalite and granodiorite
gPR Alkaligranites, minor migmatite and tonalite gPR Alkaligranites, minor migmatite and tonalite
gPg Gabbro-monzonite to dacitic quarz porphyry gPg Gabbro-monzonite to dacitic quarz porphyry
gPz1 Granitoid gPz1 Granitoid
gPz2 Granodiorite to granite gPz2 Granodiorite to granite
gPz3 Granodiorite to monzogranite gPz3 Granodiorite to monzogranite
mPz1 Gabbro mPz1 Gabbro
mPz3 Gabbro mPz3 Gabbro
uPR Ultramafic rocks uPR Ultramafic rocks
vNg Mafic volcanic rocks vNg Mafic volcanic rocks
vPg Alkali basalt vPg Alkali basalt
vPz3 Acid to intermediate and mafic volcanic rocks vPz3 Acid to intermediate and mafic volcanic rocks
vQ Mafic volcanic rocks vQ Mafic volcanic rocks