| 1 Sandstone and shale |
| 2 Siltstone and shale |
| 3 Sandstone and conglomerate |
| 4 Siltstone and shale |
| 5 Olivine diabase (1.27 Ga) |
| 6 Sandstone and conglomerate |
| 7 Quartz porphyry (1.65-1.62 Ga) |
| 8 Rapakivi granite 1.65-1.62 Ga) |
| 9 Rapakivi granite (1.59-1.57 Ga) |
| 10 Gabbro-anorthosite (1.65-1.62 Ga) |
| 11 Gabbro-anorthosite (1.59-1.57 Ga) |
| 12 Granite; northern Finland (1.80-1.77 Ga) |
| 13 Granite and associated rocks; southern Finland (1.81-1.77 Ga) |
| 14 Microcline granite (1.84-1.82 Ga) |
| 15 Granodiorite, tonalite and quartz diorite (1.89-1.87 Ga) |
| 16 Gabbro and diorite (1.89-1.87 Ga) |
| 17 Quartzite |
| 18 Mica schist and mica gneiss |
| 19 Intermediate and felsic metavolcanic rocks and metasediments |
| 20 Mafic metavolcanic rocks |
| 21 Ultramafic metavolcanic rocks |
| 22 Pyroxene granitoid (1.88-1.87 Ga) |
| 23 Granite (1.88-1.87 Ga) |
| 24 Granite (~1.88 Ga) |
| 25 Mica schists, intercalated arkosites and conglomerates |
| 26 Intermediate and felsic metavolcanic rocks with metasedimentary intercalations (1.89-1.88 Ga) |
| 27 Mafic metavolcanic rocks (1.89-1.88 Ga) |
| 28 Mica gneisses and mica schists with black schist intercalations |
| 29 Felsic to intermediate metavolcanic and metasedimentary rocks (~1.90 Ga) |
| 30 Mafic metavolcanic rocks (~1.90 Ga) |
| 31 Ultramafic metavolcanic rocks (~1.90 Ga) |
| 32 Pyroxene granitoid and mafic dykes (1.885 Ga) |
| 33 Intermediate and felsic metavolcanic rocks with metasedimentary intercalations (1.90-1.88 Ga) |
| 34 Mafic metavolcanic rocks (1.90-1.88 Ga) |
| 35 Mica gneiss and mica schist with intercalated carbonate rocks |
| 36 Felsic and intermediate metavolcanic rocks (~1.92 Ga) |
| 37 Mafic metavolcanic rocks (~1.92 Ga) |
| 38 Gneissic tonalite and granodiorite (1.93-1.91 Ga) |
| 39 Granite and granodiorite with gneissic inclusions |
| 40 Quartzite and conglomerate |
| 41 Granite and granodiorite (~1.86 Ga) |
| 42 Quartzite and conglomerate |
| 43 Mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks (~1.88 Ga) |
| 44 Granite (1.89-1.88 Ga) |
| 45 Quartzmonzodiorite, quartz monzonite and granodiorite (1.90-1.86 Ga) |
| 46 Gabbro |
| 47 Mica schists and intercalated black schists |
| 48 Banded iron formations (BIF) |
| 49 Mafic metavolcanic rocks with metasedimentary intercalations |
| 50 Gneissic alkaline granite |
| 51 Serpentinites and other rocks of ophiolitic origin |
| 52 Gabbro (2.15-2.00 Ga) |
| 53 Mica schist, black schist, conglomerate and arkosite |
| 54 Ultramafic metavolcanic rocks |
| 55 Arkosite, mica schist and conglomerate |
| 56 Carbonate- and calc-silicate rocks, black schists and metavolcanic rocks, BIF |
| 57 Mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks |
| 58 Quartzite |
| 59 Gabbro (2.2 Ga) |
| 60 Quartzite, arkosite and mica schist |
| 61 Conglomerate, arkosite and diamictite |
| 62 Mafic and ultramafic metavolcanic rocks |
| 63 Granite (2.45-2.3 Ga) |
| 64 Gabbro and peridotite (2.44 Ga) |
| 65 Intermediate and felsic metavolcanic rocks |
| 66 Orthopyroxene diorite |
| 67 Granodiorite, tonalite, quartz diorite, granite and syenite |
| 68 Leucocratic granite and granodiorite |
| 69 Gabbro |
| 70 Metaperidotite, serpentinite and soapstone |
| 71 Ultramafic metavolcanic rocks |
| 72 Mafic metavolcanic rocks |
| 73 Intermediate and felsic metavolcanic rocks |
| 74 Metasedimentary rocks |
| 75 Paragneiss |
| 76 Tonalite-trondhjemite-granodioritic gneiss and migmatite |
| 77 Garnet-bearing paragneiss |
| 78 Orthopyroxene diorite |
| 79 Anorthosite |
| 80 Gneissic granite, granite gneiss and hornblende gneiss |
| 81 Foliated gabbro and granodiorite (1.95-1.93 Ga) |
| 82 Paleoproterozoic mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks |
| 83 Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks |
| 84 Granite (2.6-2.5 Ga) |
| 85 Gneisses and migmatites |
| 86 Ordovician mafic-ultramafic complex of the Upper Allochthon |
| 87 Metamorphic rocks of the Middle Allochthon |
| 88 Cambrian sedimentary rocks of the Lower Allochthon |
| 89 Alkaline intrusions, Iivaara (365 Ma) |
| 90 Carbonatite |
| 91 Impact melt rocks |
| 92 Suevite |
| 2111112 Alkali feldspar granite |
| 2111113 Granite |
| 21111133 Montzogranite |
| 21111134 Porphyric granite |
| 21111135 Rapakivi granite |
| 211111351 Rapakivi granite |
| 211111352 Viborgite |
| 211111353 Pyterlite |
| 211111354 Porphyric rapakivi granite |
| 211111355 Quartz porphyritic rapakivi granite |
| 211111356 Aplitic rapakivi granite |
| 21111136 Mcrocline granite |
| 21111137 Pyroxene granite |
| 21111138 Pegmatite granite |
| 2111114 Granodiorite |
| 21111141 Charno-enderbite |
| 21111142 Porphyritic granodiorite |
| 2111115 Tonalite |
| 21111151 Enderbite |
| 21111152 Trondhjemite |
| 21111155 Subvolcanic tonalite |
| 2111123Quartz syenite |
| 2111124 Syenite |
| 2111125 Quartz monzonite |
| 21111251 Porphyritic quartz monzonite |
| 2111126 Monzonite |
| 2111131 Quartz monzodiorite |
| 2111132 Monzodiorite |
| 2111133 Quartz diorite |
| 2111134 Diorite |
| 211114 Gabroic rock |
| 2111142 Monzsogabbro |
| 2111144 Gabbro |
| 21111441 Norite |
| 21111442 Gabbronorite |
| 21111445 Hornblende gabbro |
| 2111152 Anorthosite |
| 211119 Foidolite |
| 21112 Ultramafic rock |
| 211121 Peridotite |
| 2111211 Dunite |
| 2111212 Pyroxene peridotite |
| 21112123 Wehrlite |
| 211122 Pyroxenite |
| 2111221 Pyroxenite |
| 211123 Hornblendite |
| 2111232 Olivine pyroxene hornblendite |
| 2111233 Olivine hornblendite |
| 21121 Felsic volcanic rock |
| 2112112 Rhyolite |
| 2112121 Dacite |
| 211214 Felsic tuff |
| 21122 Intermediate volcanic rock |
| 2112211 Andesite |
| 2112213 Basaltic andesite |
| 211223 Intermediate tuff |
| 2112231 Intermediate graphide tuff |
| 21123 Mafic volcanic rock |
| 2112311 Basalt |
| 21123113 Tholeitic basalt |
| 211231131 Fe-tholeitic basalt |
| 211231132 Mg-tholeitic basalt |
| 21123114 High Mg - basalt |
| 211234 Mafic tuff |
| 2112341 Mafic graphide tuff |
| 21124 Ultamafic volcanic rock |
| 211242 Picritic volcanic rock |
| 2112422 Komatite |
| 21124221 Basaltic komatite |
| 21124222 Peridotitic komatite |
| 2112431 Boninite |
| 211245 Ultramafic tuff |
| 21131 Felsic hypabyssal rock |
| 211311 Pegmatite |
| 2113111 RE-pegmatite |
| 211312 Aplite |
| 211313 Porphyry |
| 2113131 Quartz feldspar porphyry |
| 21132 Mafic hypabyssal rock |
| 211321 Dolerite |
| 211322 Mafic porphyry |
| 2113221 Plagioclase porphyrite |
| 2113223 Uralite porphyrite |
| 21133 Ultramafic hypabyssal rock |
| 21135 Intermediate hypabyssal rock |
| 21141 Carbonatite |
| 21147 Sulphide ore |
| 212111 Silicate claystone |
| 212112 Silicate siltstone |
| 21212 Silicate sandstone |
| 2121211 Quartz arenite |
| 2121213 Feldspathic arenite |
| 212122 Wacke |
| 2121221 Quartz wacke |
| 2121224 Greywacke |
| 21212421 Felsic tuffaceous sandstone |
| 21212422 Intermediate tuffaceous sandstone |
| 21212423 Mafic tuffaceous sandstone |
| 21213 Silicate conglomerate |
| 212131 Orthoconglomerate |
| 2121312 Polymictic orthoconglomerate |
| 212132 Breccia-conglomerate |
| 212134 Volcaniclastic conglomerate |
| 2121341 Felsic volcaniclastic conglomerate |
| 2121342 Intermediate volcaniclastic conglomerate |
| 2121343 Mafic volcaniclastic conglomerate |
| 2122 Carbonate rock |
| 21221 Calcitic carbonate rock |
| 212211 Limestone |
| 212212 Dolomitic limestone |
| 21222 Dolomitic carbonate rock |
| 21231 Banded ironstones |
| 21241 Chert |
| 213311 Granophyre |
| 213322 Garnet-cordierte-staurolite rock |
| 21333Meta - ultramafinen kivi |
| 213331 Serpentinite |
| 213332 Soapstone |
| 213342 Clorite schist |
| 213343 Talck schist |
| 213351 Sericite-cordierite gneiss |
| 213352 Garnet-cordierite-antophyllite gneiss |
| 213353 Garnet-cordierite gneiss |
| 213354 Cordierite gneiss |
| 21341 Psammite |
| 21342 Quartzite |
| 213421 Ortho quartzite |
| 213422 Arkose quartzite |
| 213423 Sericite quartzite |
| 21343 Semipelite |
| 21344 Pelite |
| 21345 Calcsilicate-rock |
| 213481 Biotite paraschist |
| 213482 Phylite |
| 213483 Sericite paraschist |
| 213484 Quartz feldspar paraschist |
| 213485 Amphibole paraschist |
| 213486 Graphide paraschist |
| 213487 Graphide sulphide paraschist |
| 213488 Cloride paraschist |
| 213489 Black schist |
| 213491 Biotite paragneiss |
| 213492 Quartz feldspar paragneiss |
| 213493 Hornblende paragneiss |
| 213494 Biotite hornblende paragneiss |
| 213495 Arkose gneiss |
| 213496 paragneiss |
| 2135112 Amphibole schist |
| 2135113 Quartz feldspar schist |
| 2135121 Mica gneiss |
| 2135122 Quartz feldspar gneiss |
| 2135123 Hornblende gneiss |
| 2135124 Pyroxene gneiss |
| 2135125 Amphibole gneiss |
| 2135127 Garnet-hornblende gneiss |
| 213521 Amphibolite |
| 21352321 Garnet-cordierite gneiss |
| 2135241 Tonaltic migmatite |
| 2135242 Granitic migmatite |
| 2135243 Migmatitic paragneiss |
| 2135244 Migmatitic tonalite |
| 21361 Cataclastic rock |
| 21362 Mylonitic rock |
| 213632 Impact melt rock |
| 2136332 Lithic breccia |
| 2136333 Suevite |
| 21371 Metasomatic rock |
| 21373 Adinole |
| 213711 Skarn |
| 213712 Quartz rock |